Mick Rogan 1971 to 1978
Mick Rogan arrived at St Mary’s in 1971 from Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen and played a major part in the sporting success of that year’s intake.
He played inside-centre for the so-called ‘Invincibles’ – the year team which broke all school records and, for at least two seasons, could not be beaten. Mick was a talented sportsman, well-known for having an excellent pair of hands, which made him a vital cog in that all-action team which built its success on moving the ball quickly.
He looks back on St Mary’s with genuine fondness and particularly loved the sporting side of the school.
In the summer of 1976, Mick obtained ten O-Levels before going on to study Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A-Level, winning a place at Loughborough University to study Civil Engineering:
“It was a four-year course. They used to call it a ‘thick sandwich,’” said Mick. “Then, after graduating, I worked in the construction industry. I started off on major civic projects building the big stuff like motorways and bridges but, over the years, ended up working mainly in housing.”
Mick later moved into bidding and tendering before setting up his own consultancy.
He married for the second time in 2018 and has two sons – Jack and Peter – from his first marriage.
He lives in Sandy, Bedfordshire and remains good friends with David Hawes and Declan Wells from his school year.
He was also very close friends with the late, great John Shanahan, who also went to Our Lady of the Rosary.
Mick was followed to St Mary’s by his younger brother, Chris, who joined in 1973.