Brian Twomey 1953 to 1960
Brian Twomey, St Mary’s 1953 to 1960, is another old boy who has settled in Australia. He is standing in the World heritage listed Blue Mountains, about 100 km west of Sydney
Brian Twomey, from Crayford, had three potential career paths to follow after leaving St Mary’s in 1960 but was not sure which to plump for out of journalism, law or architecture.
Fate was to take a hand. Brian was erroneously entered into Life Drawing instead of architecture for the GCE and was somewhat bemused when confronted with the task of drawing a young boy in tennis gear astride a bicycle. And who can blame Brian for that!:
“This was the end of my architecture ambition,” says Brian. “I failed to pass Latin O-level and, in those days, Latin was a must for a legal career. So, after several attempts at entering the journalism field my persistence paid off and I joined the Kentish Times newspaper group.
“After five years as a journalist, like a poacher turned gamekeeper, I moved into Public Relations. Over the years I worked with BOAC and British Airways, Coral Casinos (such as Crockfords and the Curzon House club).
“After emigrating to Australia, I worked with No 1 and No 2 PR groups, Burson Marsteller and Hill and Knowlton. I then moved to Boston in the USA for three years to work with Wang Laboratories, returned to Sydney and started my own communications business which continues to this day across a wide range of sectors.
“Looking back, I have consistently said that I had a happy childhood and enjoyed my school days. Whether I deliberately chose to ignore the negative things, I’m not sure. But if I did I did it well.
I asked Brian a few more questions about himself
- First record you ever bought - Eddie Cochrane “20 Flight Rock”
- Your favourite band/artist - Buddy Holly – but many other early rock ‘n roll stars, many of whom I got to interview live.
- Your favourite film - The 1957 original “3.10 to Yuma”
- Your favourite book - Aesop’s Fables as an eight year old. Stephen King’s “The Shining” much later.
- Your favourite sports team - Manchester United – as a result of captain Johnny Carey getting me the Busby Babes autographs in 1956. Close second is Charlton Athletic – able to see most home games from 1953 to 1958
- If you were on Mastermind what would what would your specialist subject be?
Rock’n Roll - the early years 1955 to 1959