Wrio Russell Teacher 1970 to 1979

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Old Etonian Wrio (pronounced Rye-O, not Ree-O), arrived at St Mary’s in 1970 and quickly established himself as a popular History master who also played an important sporting role, presiding over various junior rugby and cricket teams. But gymnastics was Wrio’s real passion and, working alongside Neville Wilkinson, he brought great expertise to St Mary’s in this sphere. Wrio left St Mary’s in 1979, did some part time teaching and then set up a gymnastics club. He then trained as a massage therapist before establishing the London School of Sports Massage in 1989, where he remains a Director but is not involved on a day-to-day basis. He said: “Several years ago, I started getting interested in energy work, and especially reiki, which is a Japanese form of energy work.” Find out more here.He lives in Somerset and is married to Beatrice, a Malaysian. He says: “St Mary’s was a very good school. I’m a practising Catholic and I think the Catholic element at St Mary’s helped make it.”



Alan Gater 1964 to 1969


Allan White 1963 to 1970