Simon Elvin 1975 to 1979
During the 1970s, the Elvin family from Orpington was both well-known and well-represented at St Mary’s. The first to arrive from St Anne’s Primary school, where their mother was a teacher, was Andrew who joined in 1973. He was followed by Simon in 1975 and then Jonathan and Mark the following year.
They were missed when the family moved to Devon in 1979 where Andrew’s new classmates mistook his Kent accent for an Australian one!
Andrew later became an HR Consultant while younger brothers Jonathan and Mark became Church Ministers.
More than one person (including myself ) thought that Simon was the founder of Simon Elvin cards – but he wasn’t.
After school Simon studied design at Plymouth College of Art while also pursuing his interest in music.
He then got a record and music publishing contract and spent a few years travelling around Britain, Europe and the USA with this.
With his former wife, Simon has four lovely daughters and told me: “While I worked for years in the public sector to provide for them, I still pursued music and also branched into playwriting and acting. The Plymouth Theatre Royal put my first play into production, which was a thrill, and I went on from there.”
By day Simon works as a consultant for Plymouth City Council but also runs two choirs for The Theatre Royal and the council.
He is currently working on an honour’s degree in Creative Arts, specialising in film scriptwriting and moving image.
"With my background in music, I particularly enjoy scoring my films, but the plan is to be a screenplay writer, though I'm really enjoying directing, so maybe that as well. I’m constantly busy and wouldn't have it any other way.”